Project Minus 0 is a live action Sci-Fi short film about an engineering student who makes a device for her final project to contact the international space station and encounters unexpected visitors from an extraterrestrial source.
Two worlds collide, one meets the end, while the others perishes.
Why this Film Matters?
This film draws inspiration from the crew of this film experience as student filmmakers wanting to achieve their dreams that feel like galaxies away. Many of us know the feeling of wanting to know the unknown, for us it's our dreams, but for other's it can be like our character Amira who wants to find out if she can get her long thought idea in her mind come true. Throughout this storytelling we intend to shine light on the passion of never giving up.
Film's Vision
Budget (Where the money going)
Despite having access to some high-end filming equipment, they are just one piece of a much larger puzzle. There are still numerous other expenses contributing to the overall film budget. Here are some specific aspects where your help would be invaluable:
- Catering
- Cast
- Location
- Set Design (Include Costume and Makeup)
- Transportation
- Marketing
Instagram: @Projectminuszero
Feel free to contact us if you have any enquires.
Your support truly means the whole world to us. And hope you follow our journey to spreading dreams to others!