Project LWIG

by Scott Baxter in Romford, Greater London, United Kingdom

Project LWIG

Total raised £0

£10,000 target 52 days left
0% 0 supporters
This project will only be funded if at least £10,000 is pledged by 8th April 2025 at 8:58am

I’m aiming to create a new era of social media/asset collection via the use of an app for all ages. Please read below for more insight!

by Scott Baxter in Romford, Greater London, United Kingdom

Hi, my name is Scott. I’m 25 years of age from London, and a very passionate gamer and working in IT. I’ve had an idea whirling around in my head, and am very keen to see this app take off.

The name of the app, at current, would be called LWIG - short for “Look what I’ve got”. This app is nothing simpler than collecting items and showcasing them in a simple method such as an avatar.

At creation, users would create a simple avatar anyway they like, cartoonish style. You’ll then be greeted with your avatar/rundown page. This is the page that everyone else can see. You’ll start off with pretty much nothing, but everyday you’ll have various different ways to roll “crates”. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, more loot boxes, more crates more pay to look good - nope. I don’t want paying to be the only way to get crates. I’m thinking every day at every hour, there will be different methods of gaining crates, perhaps through general knowledge quizzes and other methods. You could follow the social media page and get 10 free crates, and every subsequent day you’re following you’ll get another free crate. Referring friends? Easy. For each friend you refer and they create an account, you’ll get crates.

Crates and what they contain:

Crates would display a chance per item and what they contain. There would be different crates for different items, and each with their own spectrum of rarity.

As of current, I feel crates would produce the below items

- Shoes (different styles, brands etc)

- Trousers (jeans, pants, suit pants, joggers, shorts)

- T-shirts, hoodies, shirt, suits etc

- Hats

- Background styles for profile when viewed by anyone 

- Pets? An interactive little avatar running around your own one.

Why is this unique?

People love to brag, and people also love to own cool stuff. This is the exact sort of thing I would play just to show my friends, whether or not I’m 15 or 25… this is the sort of thing people play Pokémon for. They want to collect and show off! There will be an in game trading system, and possibly with someone developing - a market place.

Why fund?

I’m look for help essentially, I’m starting this out of my own pocket - but having a crowdfunding would allow me to get help. I don’t know how to produce apps, develop or create art styles. But I have methods to be able to get people to help.

What would you get?

There would be exclusive crowdfunded items for people who helps get this project rolling. No other chance to get these items. I would only allow validity of this to be prior to the app launch!

Or enter custom amount


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

£5 - Tier 1 reward

- Get an exclusive player background. Only available prior to app release. - Receive 5 daily crates for the first year after app is published. - Exclusive alpha/beta badge next to name.

£10 or more

£10 reward - Tier 2

I mean thank you for even thinking about donating in the first place… this app currently hasn’t started production but I’m glad you like the idea. If you are willing to help, you’ll get the below. - Everything from Tier 1 and below - Exclusive pet - interactive and runs around on your player profile! - 10 daily crates, every day, for the first year after the app is published. - More items to come

£30 or more

£30 Reward - Tier 3

I mean… £30 would be insane. Would help so much with the development. This would be an insane amount to contribute so I’d be forever grateful to whoever did. All of the rewards from tier 1 and tier 2 (including crates) - More daily crates for the first year, 30 daily for the first year after app is published. - not even thought about anything else yet… I promise some stuff will be added here!

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