Production of the series: 'in conversation with'

by in2gr8mentalhealth in Kings Langley, England, United Kingdom

Production of the series: 'in conversation with'
We did it
On 25th June 2020 we successfully raised £460 with 22 supporters in 42 days

To raise funds for professional editing of a series of recorded Zoom conversations with mental health professionals with lived experience.

by in2gr8mentalhealth in Kings Langley, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Should we raise more for in2gr8mentalhealth than our initial target, then I would use this money to:

  • help set up the new peer platform 
  • develop training into the public and private mental health sector on navigating staff mental health difficulties and wellbeing. This would be a natural extension from my current visiting lectureship on the topic. 

I lead this from the authentic position of having lived experience of mental health difficulties myself as a professional. This work is my passion, I am determined that no health professional should be stigmatised for experiencing mental health problems. 

Dr. Natalie Kemp

in2gr8mentalhealth is a peer support and campaigning platform to destigmatise and value the lived experience mental health professionals have of mental health problems. The work engages different areas of the mental health system to destigmatise: peers, profesisonal bodies, training courses, public, NHS Trusts. These discourses are often silenced in mental health professionals due to stigma, which stops people from asking for help if they need it, and denigrates the value that can be brought forward from lived experience.

I am developing a series episodes, each a conversation between myself and a mental health professional with lived experience to challenge stigmatised narratives. I am hoping to produce about 6 to 8 episodes dependent on the money I can crowdfund to produce each one. 

After I have met together with each professional to scope out their options and choices around sharing, we will record a Zoom conversation. This recording needs to be edited into a coherent series, including title overlays, various trims and cuts, cleaning up audio and visuals, and final rendering.

Each episode will cost between £40 to £50 to edit and I am hoping to raise about £300 to help us do it. in2gr8 has always been voluntary work and generates no income, it is the heart's work.

What I hope will come from the series:

  • Raising authentic voices to further open up positive conversations about lived experience in the professions, a topic rife with silencing and stigma.
  • Helping those who identify as having lived experience as professionals, who may feel isolated or ashamed, find positive and helpful narratives.  
  • Holding in mind ideas of flourishing and valuing, as well as honouring the human experience of pain and difficulty and the need for support.
  • To provide a good resource in the area for others coming into the mental health scene to support my teaching in the area.
  • To reframe what competent practice is, that having difficulties in itself is not ‘incompetent’ and that acting on those difficulties to seek support when needed (easier when met by compassionate cultures) is competence-in-action.

Thank you so much for reading and if you can donate any amount to help, we at in2gr8mentalhealth will be very grateful indeed. Should we ever exceeded our target, the money would be put to very good use continuing to develop our  new peer support platfrom!

With best wishes,



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