My name is Stacey and I’ve been working with clay in one form or another for over 14 years.
I started with polymer clay which has been a wonderful journey and I’ve had so much fun creating cute embellishments over the years.
Last year I decided to give pottery a go and I fell in love, hard and fast. I had a wonderful ceramics teacher who still helps me now when I have questions.
I bought a cheap wheel and practiced as often as I could. I improved and now I make items that are beautiful and function…most of the time.
After recently taking redundancy I found myself with more time to create, a shed studio in my garden and a brand new wheel. It’s been wonderful.
I am, however, being held back from perusing pottery as a business by my lack of kiln.
I have access to a community kiln which has been wonderful, but I am limited to the amount of space I can use each month. This also has a slower turnaround than a personal kiln. Sometimes waiting up to 3 weeks for my items to be fired and they need to be fired twice for that’s 6 weeks for a finished piece.
I am looking to purchase a Narbertherm 60 litre top loading kiln and I have already secured a new studio to keep the kiln. It’s a great space that will also allow for storage and a space to glaze
Having access to my own kiln will allow me to test glazes, run firing programmes the way I need and ultimately produce my finished pieces faster.
I’d love to be able to offer others the opportunity to access a kiln in the local area but renting kiln space. I’d also love to be able to offer pottery painting activities. I’ve had interest already in painting classes and I’m so excited about the possibility of being able to bring pottery to my local community. These things will be possible by having my own kiln.
I am asking for help to raise half the cost of kiln but I’m not asking you to just hand over your money. I’m asking you to buy something from me in advance. When I have the kiln set up and in place I will then make your item and get it sent to you.
You can just donate and that would be amazing but the rewards are a little thank you for helping me towards my goal.
I’ve set a fulfilment date of December. This is to allow time for installation and then the making of your items. This could change if we reach target sooner.