Pop Art exhibition - University of Kent

by P is for Pop, P is for Print: A British Phenomenon in Canterbury, England, United Kingdom

Pop Art exhibition - University of Kent
We did it
On 23rd May 2017 we successfully raised £527 with 18 supporters in 56 days

Thank you to everyone who donated to our exhibition, on British Pop Art at the University of Kent. We're still open 18.5.17-15.6.17

by P is for Pop, P is for Print: A British Phenomenon in Canterbury, England, United Kingdom

Exhibition P is for Pop, P is for Print : A British Phenomenon

We are a group of young curators studying at the University of Kent, organising an exhibition on British Pop Art. We have so far been able to get Prints on loan by great British pop artists like Richard Hamilton, Allen Jones, Derek Boshier, Peter Phillips, Peter Blake, Eduardo Paolozzi and Joe Tilson. These works will be on public display for 4 weeks from Thursday 18th May-15th June and is available to the wider public, and those interested in finding out about the origins of Pop art. 

Our budget is £4000 and does not cover all the requirements for the exhibition. We are trying to raise funds for the exhibition including transport, the cost of presenting artwork (the hang), the cost of the catalogue and posters/advertisements.  These expenses are necessary for a complete overview of the beginnings of the Pop Art movement in Britain. Unfortunately our current budget will not allow for all the necessary requirements for an inclusive exhibition without your support.


  • £100 will provide us with posters and invitations
  • £250 will cover installation costs
  • £400 will contribute towards covering transport
  • £600 will fund specialist framing for Joe Tilsons iconic prints
  • £1000 will help us make an acquisition for the Kent Print Collection

The Studio 3 Gallery at University of Kent organises exhibitions with no public remuneration. Our budget comes from the School of Arts at UKC University of Kent. This Crowdfunder page will also contribute to expanding the Kent Print Collection. This is beneficial for the future students of the UKC as well as the public who are able to come see the work for free.

Any contributions would be greatly appreciated, and any donations over £25 will receive a catalogue if desired. 


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£25 or more

2 of 100 claimed

£25 Reward

A catalogue for every donation above £25

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