The plan is an ambitious one but one that is essential to secure the future of Freemasonry in Plymouth.
Our existing masonic buildings face ongoing issues such as governance, management, maintenance, heating and catering challenges, ever changing rules and legislation, parking, and accessibility problems notwithstanding the financial liability as well, coupled with a reducing membership.
Whilst our buildings have served us well for many years, they are now beginning to age and are becoming unsuitable for masonry in modern times, especially as we have a lesser number of lodges to house. The need and advantage of providing a modern central facility in Plymouth cannot be denied and I believe that the condition and the general ambiance of our masonic halls has a direct correlation to retention and recruitment of members.
This idea has been planned and discussed by people for many years, but now it is time to act.
Over the coming years we hope that we can raise a significant amount in a Fund, to be able to provide a modern centre with sufficient car parking and high quality amenities where two or three different meetings could be held simultaneously.
Where properly paid staff can be employed to provide our bar and catering needs and where we can reverse the current trend and be proud to encourage new members to join.
A place large enough to hold our Ladies' Festivals and social Events, where we could take our partners for lunch or even to host Wedding Receptions and the like to provide other sources of income.
The centre will need to be located within Plymouth and obviously the time scale will depend on how quickly the necessary funds are raised.
At this stage it cannot be envisaged just how generous you will be and how quickly the fund will grow, so it will be a rolling plan with the first stage being a 5-year fundraising campaign.
The information gathered during that time, together with the prevailing land and property costs and availability of the time, will enable the committee to assess the options as to whether the centre should be a New Build, or one located in a large existing property which could be successfully repurposed as a Masonic Centre or to continue the fundraising campaign.
Such schemes have been very successful in other parts of the country and we believe that it is what is needed in Plymouth to provide stability, revitalise our lodges and to grow our membership.
Please consider appointing a lodge representative who can liaise closely with the PBF Committee and be able to report back to your lodge.
Whilst we have absolutely no wish for halls to close in the immediate future, we hope that the owner lodges will feel disposed to arrange for the proceeds of any eventual disposal of buildings to be donated to the PBF fund to help safeguard the future of Plymouth Masonry rather than be lost to Masonry as has happened previously in other places.
The aim of the committee is to work toward a central hall which will meet the challenges detailed and provide Lodges and Masons a secure future in a venue to be proud of, run by Mason’s for the benefit of Plymouth Freemasons.
What support do we as the committee need?
1. We would ask your Lodge to consider giving to the Plymouth Building Fund (PBF).Charity does sometimes begin at home and we believe this is the time.
2. We ask owner lodges to pledge any proceeds following any future disposal of assets be pledged to the PBF.3. We would ask all Plymouth Freemasons to consider taking out a monthly covenant to support the PBF or making lump sum one off deposits providing your circumstance allow.4. Finally, would you consider pledging to leave something in your will to the PBF?The PBF monies are totally ring fenced for Plymouth, these funds cannot and will not be used for any other cause. Whether or not your lodge meets in the area covered by the central hall we hope that you will feel able to support the fund with a view of visiting the centre on occasions.
This challenge is our chance to leave a legacy in Plymouth for future Freemasons, we do not underestimate the scale of our task, it is a mammoth one but as someone once said:
‘Every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’.
Let’s take that step together brethren and leave our mark in history.