I cried myself to sleep the night I heard Barbies story then I awoke with the determination to do what I could to help. I am begging you to help too.
Barbie was found on the streets in Macedonia a few weeks ago shivering with fear after being attacked by many un-neutered male street dogs also roaming the streets. She stole my heart away when I read her story and knew I had to do something to help so I sent some money over to help with her vet Bills and contacted the lovely lady who was struggling to keep rescuing and finding safe homes for these beautiful dogs. She then told me the full story. She had picked up the dog and took it immediately to her vet whom did blood tests and found she had developed the tick carrying disease Ehricha Canis. A blood disease that thins the blood and causes an animal to bleed excessively among other problems but there was a complication she was heavily pregnant so she could not start treatment. Also she was no older than 1 year old. She was taken to a lovely kennels in Macedonia whom made her warm well fed and comfortable, something she had probably never known and a few days later she gave birth to 4 beautiful puppies. Barbie shown her elation at being a new Mum and was so proud but her happiness would not be long lived after only 24 hours all her puppies had passed away. She was frantically searching her kennel looking for them. After hearing her story Barbie After realising they were not there she became depressed and withdrawn. The lady that rescued her spent lots of time with her to help her through her depression but became understandably attached to her. Knowing she could not keep her she approached me to see if I could help if she paid her transport and neutering costs. I immediately agreed and went about finding her an excellent loving, caring home with a behaviourist friend of mine. The perfect solution. Then I paid some money over to help with her vet treatment for her blood disorder to commence. Then became the Covid 19 lockdown resulting in many more dumped dogs in the Macedonia streets. They now can no longer afford to pay her neutering and travel costs and are struggling to pay the costs of the 50+ dogs she has rescued. This is where I am asking for your help to raise the money for her to be neutered, her paperwork processed and her travel costs. Any left over I will donate to the rescue in Macedonia to help other dogs. So please can you help this poor baby who has suffered so much in her short life, her short life get to safety here in the UK or she faces a future on the streets. Every penny helps it breaks my heart to think of these poor dogs born to a life of hell with no love.
PLEASE PLEASE help me save her from.hell