Help us send 2,500 pharmacy manuals to Nigeria

by The Commonwealth Pharmacists Association in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Help us send 2,500 pharmacy manuals to Nigeria
We did it
On 17th October 2024 we successfully raised £383 ( + est. £73.00 Gift Aid ) with 11 supporters in 84 days

We are raising funds to cover the cost of sending approximately 2,500 copies of the British National Formulary to Pharmacists in Nigeria

Project by The Commonwealth Pharmacists Association

Help us send 2,500 medicine manuals to Nigerian pharmacists

We are raising funds to cover the cost of sending approximately 2,500 copies of the British National Formulary, or BNF, to Pharmacists in Nigeria.

This world-leading resource has the latest information on the safe use of drugs and medicines - what they can be treated for, what other drugs they can’t be safely prescribed with, different variations, common side effects and advice on proper dosing.

It’s a vital tool used every day by Pharmacists across the UK to keep patients healthy and safe.

But it would cost over £750,000 for every Pharmacist in Nigeria to acquire their own copy.

The Commonwealth Pharmacists Association, an official organisation of the Commonwealth and the international professional body for pharmacists associations in its member states, has worked in partnership with Book Aid International to secure a generous donation of 2,500 copies of the BNF for Nigerian pharmacists.

The books are ready and waiting to be received in Nigeria, where they will be distributed to healthcare workers by the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria.

The rising cost of global shipping means the charities involved now need funds to help cover the cost of getting books out of the UK Warehouse and onto the desks of Nigerian pharmacists.

Your donation will go directly towards covering the cost of international shipping for these incredible, essential books - improving the quality of healthcare received by millions across Nigeria.

For roughly every £1.15 raised, we can afford to send 1 of the 2,500 books to Nigeria.

About the organisations involved

  • The Commonwealth Pharmacists Association (CPA) is an accredited organisation of the Commonwealth. It is a registered charity in England & Wales (no. 1176132). All donations will be received and processed by CPA, and used to pay for the cost of shipping and directly incurred administrative costs relating to this work.
  • The Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria is the umbrella association for advocating for the improvement and welfare of all groups in the Nigerian Pharmaceutical Sector. It is recognised as the national association for the pharmacy profession in the Federal Republic of Nigeria by CPA.

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