Since relocating here just over 2 years ago to help with childcare for our Granddaughter, we've had a tough time with health issues and trying to maintain bills with finding permanent employment really challenging to achieve. My health issues have got worse and that prevents me from doing certain work which limits opportunities. We've gone into arrears with our Council Tax and our Gas/Electricity which has been compounded by the job-loss, and Christmas is going to be almost impossible as we now have 2 wonderful Granddaughter's to think about, never mind each other. My wife has sacrificed so much and I've not really bought her anything half decent for years, and she's always making do and going without. I'd like to be able to treat her with something really special this year because she does so much for everyone else and puts herself last every time. We'd also like to be able to give our Granddaughters some money for the future this Christmas, as we both realise the importance of this when children become adults and then have children of their own. In our current situation, we can't even think about this and have less than £300 to last us a month, until the end of December. Please help us if you can, as your generosity would enable us to treat our Granddaughter's and for me to treat my wonderful who always gives her love to all of us by putting herself last every day.