RCN 517419, Sheffield

30 bedroomed outdoor residential centre, facilities: games room, dining room, tv room, drying rooms, all bedrooms have their own private bathroom facilities.AALA licensed.Activities include: canoeing, caving, abseiling, climbing, orenteering, hill walking, bouldering, weaselling,problem solving, obstacle course.self catering or catered for, multi activity daily to week courses.


Parson House Farm was built in 1815, by rev Bingham, but was called Bingham House.  Built in Burbage valley to protect it from the weather and for better pasture.  However the area was a wind tunnel and gave no shelter, so stone by stone it was taken down and brought onto the tops where it currently stands.  The footings of the original building can still be seem today.

1815    Built in Burbage valley

1830    Re- built in present site

1841    Possibly listed as Houndkirk Lodge - Peter Blake (gamekeeper) Joseph & Mary   Pickering (Broom Makers) James Gardener (Agricultural labourer).

1851    Listed as Bingham House; John Robinson (Head agricultural labourer)Ann Robinson( Laundress)Louis Black (visitor) John Green Servant)

1855    (approx date)Duke of rutland bought the moor and surrounding house/farms

1861    Jonathan Hall (Head stone getter) Mary Hall (wife) Mary Priestley (niece, scholar)  William Hey (Servant/Carter)

1871    No details    

1881    Listed as Parson’s Houses: Farrar family - John (head agent/ manager) , Hannah (Wife) & Mary (daughter) 

1891-1901No details to be found

1911    Mr Clark ( 5 males & 1 female lived at the farm)

1927     5th July  - The Duke of Rutland who then owned the property and surrounding moor, sold Parson House Farm to the Sheffield City Estates Dept. 

1930    approx Parson House was rented to Septimus Priestley, a shepherd; his daughter    then lived in the property with her husband and family until 1971.  She married Alf    Haslam, and raised two sons .  Septimus rented the property at this time.  He was   killed in a traffic accident during a blackout in the 2nd World War, he had a habit of   walking up the middle of the road after visiting the Fox House Inn, a car hit him. 

1973    Rev Keith asks The Reaney family to assist with developing a farm  house into a  place for outdoor adventure

1974    The Reaney family move into the yard in a 4 berth caravan, with   a young family and begin the work of transforming the buildings;  no electricity, water, or sanitation.  The farm is set up for unemployed  young men & women from Knowsley, Paul Reaney becomes the centre   manager

1975  The farm becomes a charitable organisation Knowlsey Youth Trust

1976  The first job creation programme begins for the unemployed at Parson                     House Farm. Drill for water and water is found at 70metres, from a bore hole

1980  Lord Derby becomes the Patron until his death

1981  The centre develops a section for less abled bodied persons

1983  First expedition out of the country to Dordogne river, France

1984  Expedition to Canada with probationers, the Canadians return a visit

1985 to 95 - European social funded projects, train unemployed people in outdoor pursuits

1995   Knowsley cut all ties with the centre, and make the manager redundant due to cut  backs in Knowsley

1995   Debbie & Gareth Bell, daughter of Paul Reaney, take over the running of the centre, without outside support .

1996      Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) license is awarded

1997      Lottery funding helps secure the centre, by purchasing the freehold and the climbing  wall is built

1999     The executive Committee decide to rename the centre/charity as ‘Parson House Outdoor Pursuit Centre’

2006   Bore hole collapses and £19,000 has to be found, from Trusts and fundraising, new   bore hole is dug at 130 metres

2006   Amanda Carmen Cavendish The Duchess of Devonshire, becomes the centres Patron

2007   Relations with Sheffield ‘Kids in Care’ is cemented

2008   Funding for a brand new obstacle course is found and built

2010  The centre applies for LoTC award Learning Outside the Classroom, and is accepted and  awarded (this is later no longer applied for)

2013  Peak District National Park sdf funding for ‘eco’ improvements - Jarvis                     Cocker opens new ECO developments part of the centre

2014  WIFI fitted  & 40 years achieved.  Environmental Quality Mark applied for                     through PDNPA

2021  Relations with 'Sheffield Young Carers' is formed

2023  Jarvis Cocker, lead singer PULP,  becomes the centres Patron


The purpose of the centre is to promote any charitable purpose for the benefit of young people, we provide a centre for young people for the purpose of helping and educating such persons though their leisure time activities, so as to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capabilities so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and that their conditions of life may be improved.

The centre sees over 1600 people each year through its doors; from age 7 yrs upwards, some from inner city deprived areas , some disabled physically & mentally, partially sighted, deaf, school children ,D of E,  kids in care, youth groups, teenagers, primary, young adults, unemployed, companies for team building, stag, hen, old friend reunions, you name it they all visit us.

Some have been coming for 38 years, schools usually visit and book the same week for the following year.

A 30 bed residential centres, sits exclusively on the Burbage Moor, with games room, tv lounge, fully equipped kitchens, large dining room, all dormitories have private shower, toilet facilities next door.   Our visitors always get sole use, whether there is 10 of you or 30

All our instructors are qualified and are from the area, thus giving an in-depth knowledge of the area. 

Surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery in the Peak District National Park, the area boasts the best climbing in Europe, climbers and walkers from all over the globe visit the area each year.  The Peak Park is the second most visited National Park in the world.

In the summer months the Bell and Ling heather boast a carpet of lilacs and purples, wafting in the breeze, and the greens of bracken and moor land grass compliment the season, whilst in Autumn the browns, yellows and deep purples can give another glowing aspect to the moor.   Wherever you walk, the beauty astounds you at every corner.  

Iron Age fortresses Carls Walk and Higgar Tor are easily accessible from the farm, and the breath taking views of Kinder Scout and Snake Pass can be seen.  The area steeped in history and geological findings.

Facilities include;

Communal lounge area; enjoy a drink with other guests relax and look back on your day.  

Games room, with table tennis, table football and board games. 

24hr secure off road parking.

security cameras


Small shop on site

Drying room for that ever surprising wet Peak District day!

self catering or catered for with or with out activities

Disabled access

Activities include;

Abseiling, climbing, canoeing, kayaking, caving, orienteering, bouldering, rock hopping, weaselling, hill walking, guided tours, indoor climbing wall, obstacle course, problem solving and team building courses, bivi & shelter -survival courses, night walks .

We are currently looking for funding to upgrade our fire alarms system within the residential centre.



Colin Flynn
30th October 2024 at 11:24pm

pledged £100 + an est. £25.00 in Gift Aid

31st August 2024 at 10:40am

pledged £100 + an est. £25.00 in Gift Aid

Oisin Murray
11th August 2024 at 10:11am

I hope you guys have a really great day 😊

Gareth Bell
11th August 2024 at 7:31am

Good luck Lil & Tabby, wish I was there to belay you, can’t wait to see the video. Gareth xx

Barbara McGinn
10th August 2024 at 3:38pm

Such lovely girls. Well done 👏 Love this little family. Xx

Sarah Owen
10th August 2024 at 1:25pm

Good luck girls, you will both smash it! Lots of love Auntie Sarah, Uncle Rich, Annabelle & Austin xxx

Kelly Sullivan
10th August 2024 at 1:01pm

Whoohoo! Well done Girls! Love you both, Aunty Kel, Uncle Mike, Pop, Jake and Em 💙💙💙

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