Papers for patients

by Caron in Dorking, England, United Kingdom

Papers for patients

Total raised £500

raised so far



To raise funds to buy newspapers for the patients in a Surrey Hospital who, without visitors have no contact with the outside world

by Caron in Dorking, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Any extra money donated will all go to patients and their needs. For example, it will be spent on buying cosmetics or everyday items that are normally brought to patients by their relatives. Because of the current lock-down/no hospital visitor policy, patients are going without essentials.

Hi. I am a nurse working in a local Surrey Hospital. The patients I am taking to the wards are not allowed visitors. Some don't have mobile phones or televisions on the wards, so are unable to connect with the outside world in any way. When I rang the wards to ask how I could help with this, the nurses replied that the patients would love newspapers and magazines to read. Such a simple thing! The infection control team at the hospital are happy for clean, newspapers and magazines to be brought in. In addition, a few of my friends said they would like to contribute. So I thought I would make ' Papers for Patients' an official fundraising project.

These are unprecedented times but together, we are stronger, especially if we look after eachother.

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