Spa & Pamper days for people living with cancer

Spa & Pamper days for people living with cancer

Total raised £902

raised so far



We want to provide 100 spa days across the whole of the UK for people living with cancer to improve their well being and recovery.

We're still collecting donations

On the 17th October 2019 we'd raised £0 with 19 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

Welcome to the Made for Life Foundation Charity page on Crowdfunder. 

Who we are:

The Made for Life Foundation was founded in 2008 to provide holistic support for people diagnosed with and recovering from cancer. Last  year the national statistic for people with cancer who were turned away from spas was 96%  Our aim is to change this to 96% say "Yes - you are always welcome".

We have carried out extensive research and developed Cancer Touch Therapy which has now educated over 1000 therapists across the UK to welcome people going through cancer into their spas. 

Alongside training, we work with spas to organise days filled with complementary treatments,  nutritional advice, art therapy, meditation and relaxation techniques along with time for sharing and hugs.

The Made For Life Foundation offers special pamper days, around the UK, along with our workshops, talks and events. Those going through cancer, whether newly diagnosed, undergoing treatment or in recovery, can come together and enjoy a “day off” from the condition.

To date, we have supported over 10,000 cancer sufferers with Made for Life pamper days across the UK, but with the latest statistics showing that 1 in 3 people in the UK are going through treatment for cancer each year, we need to do more.

Our crowdfunding aim:

We want to raise £10,000 over the next 12 months to enable us to offer 100 people living and recovering with cancer access to improve their mental health and also physical wellbeing through Made for Life spa days . 

How the funds will be spent:

Each pamper day costs £100 and includes a Spa treatment, use of the facilities and light refreshments per person, leaving them feeling relaxed and well.  


Made for Life rituals were created after two years of detailed research with the outcome  being beautifully nurturing and relaxing spa treatments for guests. Here are some testimonials to reveal how clients feel after enjoying the treatments.

"It felt almost spiritual and I felt worshipped; this has restored my self confidence and body confidence" WD, Somerset

"I felt so comfortable throughout my treatment that I wanted to sleep!  It was thoroughly relaxing and calming and I feel more relaxed now.  My face looks a picture of health!" Tracey, Henlow

Trainer, Marc Innes with newly qualified therapists and guests. 

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This project offered rewards

£50 or more

Hand Me a Kiss Gift Set

We will send out a Made for Life Organics Hand Me a Kiss gift set plus 20% discount voucher for any of our skincare.

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