In 1979 I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Mr. Sidney Paddick, a retired builder from Sonning who most generously donated approx. 5 acres of land in Waingels Road, Woodley, then known as Norris’s Copse, which was entrusted to the Loddon District Scout Council, and made over the local District Camp Site and Headquarters.
The following year, Barclays Bank donated one of their mobile 60’ x 20’ temporary buildings, which by rights, should only have lasted another 15 years, but we managed to keep it going until 2022. Sadly it has now become beyond economical repair. In investigating a suitable replacement, we are looking at £200,000 and through charitable donations and fund raising we have managed to raise £160,000.
Wokingham Borough Council has already approved our plans and given us planning permission to go ahead with the construction of our new building, which we hope to do within the next couple of months. This will mean that once again our membership of some 2000 Scouts from Woodley, Early, Sonning, Charvil, Hurst, Twyford, Ruscombe and Wargrave can once again enjoy their year round activities.