Operation Sort Mums Estate

by Sharon Low in Alford, Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom

Operation Sort Mums Estate
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

My mum died leaving secured debt of £60,000 on a property valued at £250,000 which has been in our family for five generations.

by Sharon Low in Alford, Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom

This property has been in my Dads side of the family since my great great grandparents.  

Controversially it was awarded to my Mum during a very bitter divorce battle.

She died leaving an outstanding secured debts totalling £60,000 and no way of settling them.

My husband and I had planned to pay the sum off by raising the money against our own home.  However, during this time my husband unfortunately suffered a mini stroke a few days after the birth of our baby daughter (from which he has now fully recovered thankfully) and was then made redundant a few short months later so this is no longer an option within the short term.  As a stay at home mum for the last few years, I have no avenues open to me in order to assist in raising the money. Although I am now a childminder and will very shortly be in a position to finalise my books and show a profit.

My Mum used to take in homeless people as lodgers and there is still a former homeless person/former addict living there who has been there for over 20 years.  He has been clean for over 20 years although sadly has significant health issues due to his former addiction and is registered as disabled.

If we were able to keep the house, we would plan to offer another of the rooms to a someone in a similar predicament.  

I have exhausted all avenues and repossession proceedings are underway in favour of the lenders (rightly so).  This will force the sale of the property.

It has been a hugely distressing few years and this is my last attempt to try to resolve matters.


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Monthly Prize Draw - Charity Donation

In the event of success, each contributor would be entered into a prize draw. The winner can name the charity of their choice to receive the donation. This prize draw would run monthly until the funds contributed and charity donations matched.

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