Hi there, I don't usually do stuff like this, as I like to keep my independence regarding my finances ect. I was advised to give this a go to see if I can get any help. So here goes. I'm jody I'm 41 from West Yorkshire I'm a healthcare assistant for the elderly. I work fulltime and extra hours to cover my monthly bills ect. I've currently got into a mess with my finances and I'm in alot of debt, which I know everyone is struggling, so I do feel cheeky doing this. I've had most of my last wage deducted to pay my creditors which as left me with nothing to pay my rent this month.😞 I'm really worried I'm going to lose my home. This is only a one time help request. I'm not the type of person that takes the mickey this is a genuine help request. I know we are all struggling financially so I feel really guilty asking. But if any kind souls out there to help me. It would be greatly appreciated.