Paula Milburn is fundraising for
Macmillan Cancer Support
Charity No. 261017

Updates 3
Day 3 - Going strong
If we're talking about my PRIMARY method of measuring my walks - which once I've completed a walk I switch off - Map My Walk - I've done 5 miles in 3 days... so almost double giving me 2 miles 'leeway' if I want to take them. Going on my SECONDARY which so long as my phone is on me records all steps, I have done 7 miles as of a few mins ago when I screenshot the results for June... however... I am only using that as absolute back up if needed.
(Note: if you add the distances for the 3 days of June on MMW it makes 5 miles). Please donate to this very worthy cause and give me the boost I need :)
Thank you!
We're off to a cracking start with a donation of £10. A massive thank you!
Please feel free to share this page and maximise our efforts!
Training runs ah walks!
Please ignore the time - First it's not a race, it's distance and consistency. Second, my bad I forgot to turn the app off.
Yesterday and today I have done almost 2 and over 3.5 miles around the house (which is why the map looks like a child got loose with a red sharpie around my house!).
As of Monday there should be some actual outside walking but I didn't want to today since I'd had a migraine and it's very sunny...sunlight (direct obviously, I'm not a vampire!) is one of my migraine triggers.
However, given that I've barely moved 100yards since lockdown, a few miles is good.
Please consider donating as it seems to be ticking down on the days already. I will try to remedy this but I'm as yet unfamiliar with the site. Thanks
Hi Everyone,
As you know I'm mobility impaired. However, a lot of my mobility is hindered by weight (a lot also isn't but that's not the issue here). I need to get back into doing exercise that I can do, and with the gyms and swimming pools shut there are limits but I CAN WALK!!
Inspired by one of my favourite songs - 500 miles by the Proclaimers, I have vowed that starting Monday 1st June, and ending Friday September 11th (I know that is technically 103 days, but it's my birthday in the middle of August and I would like that day off, and have given myself 2 days 'leeway' in event of catastrophic health issues.) to walk 100 miles in 100 days ...ish! If Col. Tom can do it with a zimmer frame at 100 years old... I should be able to with my sticks! I don't imagine I'll raise as much as that superstar but we can try!
An uphill task ahead...
I have many health issues - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Obesity, Chronic Back and Knee pain and migraines. Also, this is going to be mega-challenging to me since a) I'm coming out of the back of a slipped disc and nerve impingement. b) Chronic Fatigue c) Sunlight! I'm like an anaemic vampire in sunlight. I don't tan, I burn and blister, it's not pretty! Excess sunlight also seems to mess with my head and causes a lot of my summer migraines.
What's it for?
Macmillan is a worthy cause, dear to my heart, and since they don't just help the cancer patient but their families too, that is important to me.
I have been touched by cancer, a lot of my friends have too... I don't want anyone to go through that alone.
How much do I want to raise - and providing 'evidence'
I aim to raise £1000 but I hope a LOT more. I will be posting (here if I can, but on Facebook otherwise) my 'evidence' of doing these miles. Mostly I shall be walking, please ignore the SPEED of the walk, I'm not planning on breaking any records, it's more about doing some exercise every day.
I will be using the apps 'Map My Walk' (from which I can directly post my walk, which is 'mapped' - hence the name - via GPS on my phone) and Pedometer Step Counter (I will screenshot my step count, approx 5000 steps counts as 2 miles if I remember correctly).
I reserve the right to do the exercise in the house - going up and down stairs is just as exercising as going out in the sun. But if I've just had a migraine, I'm not going to make it worse by going out in blazing sunshine! However, I don't plan on wimping out either so up and down stairs, doing jobs, doing steps on my WiiFit.
This is also an option if the government of the UK have to impose stricter lockdown again... or if I have to self-isolate again. Either way - the steps/miles will be completed. Also, the miles don't have to just be done around my local area. IF (hopefully!) lockdown is lifted to the point that we can go out - I have memberships to various historical outfits that I intend to make use of... so those days you'll not only have me racking up the miles but some bonus pics of interesting places too!
So please, dig deep and help me support this wonderful charity!
29th May 2020 at 2:26pmpledged £10