Directed & Produced by Eshan Ambohang & Amit Singh
Film Synopsis:
In the short film "On a Move", Aron, a recent graduate trying to establish himself in London, seeks career assistance from Alina, a successful family friend, despite his strained family relations. As Aron navigates job hunting and personal dilemmas, flashbacks to his university days with friends Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Rusev provide insight into his earlier aspirations and romantic pursuits. The short presents major conflicts for a nuanced portrayal of daily life, blending humour and cultural references familiar to its young audience. The episode takes a “day-in-the-life" approach, using Aron's quest for success as a lens to explore the intricate and often overlooked moments that define everyday existence, capturing the richness of young adulthood in the sometimes harsh, sometimes beautiful city.
Any Funding will go towards -
- Helping us pay actors a more reasonable rate!
- Provide a steady supply of meals to all on set for the two weeks of production!
- Provide our camera department adequate funding for any equipment they would like to source for the days.
- Provide production more options for locations to help our vision come closer to what we'd envisioned.
Major contributions will be rewarded with special benefits etc.
Look at the Rewards section for further information