NHS Visor Appeal

by Leighanne Metcalfe in Dorking, England, United Kingdom

NHS Visor Appeal

Total raised £345

raised so far



The global COVID-19 pandemic has created a shortage of PPE equipment, I intend to make and supply visors to local care professionals

by Leighanne Metcalfe in Dorking, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Any extra funds will buy treats for a local NHS hospital to say thank you for their hard work on the front line. 

COVID-19 pandemic has created a shortages of essential PPE equipment for NHS workers and other care professionals, i intend to provide protective visors for hospital, care homes, gps, pharmacy’s and other care professionals in need. Using our own funds we have already made and supplied nearly 100 visors made from foam and acetate sheets, with 30 more in progress. We now have capacity to start 3D printing the frames too. Each visor cost about 50pence to produce, we are hoping to produce about 600 more and distribute these free of charge, to care workers within the dorking/Surrey communities. 

Each roll of filament for the 3D printer costs around £20 and can make 50 visor frames - this is what we want to do first to set this going so we can make 50 over a few days - using existing acetate supplies

we also have a lead on foam for 330 more foam type visors - at a cost of approx £115, with a further £50 of acetate and elastic required to complete these (depending on suppliers)  

any funds raised in excess would be used to buy treats and snacks for one of the local NHS hospitals.  
I will be keeping records of what is spent and Will be available to view upon request.

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