News-You - unique truth driven social media.

by Paul Simpson in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

News-You - unique truth driven social media.
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

We will combat misinformation and fake news with a unique truth scoring and reward system that actively encourages true information sharing

by Paul Simpson in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

In a world plagued by information overload and the spread of fake news, NEWS-YOU emerges as a revolutionary social media platform.

Our goal is simple: to empower users to be both consumers and creators of trusted news. By leveraging the “wisdom of the crowds” through community-driven fact-checking and incentivizing the creation of accurate news with our unique system, we are creating a self- regulating ecosystem that rewards truth.

Join us in reshaping the news landscape, fostering transparency, and combating misinformation. This is the future of news consumption.


The Problem

In today’s FAST-PACED DIGITAL WORLD, we are bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information.

The problem? Fake news and biased reporting have become rampant, clouding our judgment and limiting our understanding of the truth.

Filter bubbles further worsen the issue, trapping us in echo chambers that reinforce our existing beliefs. With the rise of misinformation, it has become increasingly difficult to discern who is telling the truth.

Our target audience yearns for a solution that restores trust, provides accurate information, and enables them to make informed decisions.

The NEWS-YOU Solution

Our solution is a game-changer

in the news industry. News-You introduces a social media platform where users become active participants in the creation, scrutiny, and consumption of trusted news.

Through our community-driven fact-checking system, users collaboratively assess the veracity of each post, harnessing the power of the crowd’s wisdom.

By incentivizing the creation and checking of accurate news with our unique reward system, we create a self-regulating ecosystem that rewards truth.

Users gain access to unbiased information, breaking free from fifilter bubbles, and making well-informed decisions. Our platform empowers users to combat misinformation.

We are looking for funding to take us to MVP and the 1st Beta release. 


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5,000 or more

0 of 10 claimed

News-You instant “OG Anchor” status

Be placed at the top of the tree and receive instant “OG Anchor” status, the highest level in the News-You network, you will also receive 10000 NYN credits to use in the app. You will also automatically be included in the incentivised beta release program. You will also be invited to advise on how the News-You platform operates and play a pivotal role in expansion.

£50 or more

0 of 50 claimed

NYM credit bundle and beta tester status

100 NYN credit bundle to use in the News-You app, plus beta tester status and invite to incentivised beta testing program.

£250 or more

0 of 30 claimed

750 NYN credit bundle and 1 tier skip

750 NYN credits to use on the News-you app plus automatic inclusion in the incentivised beta programme.

£500 or more

0 of 40 claimed

NYN credits bundle & 2 tier skips

You will receive a 1500 NYN credit bundle to use on the platform plus 2 tier skips for your News-You profile. You will also automatically be included in the incentivised beta release program.

£1,000 or more

0 of 60 claimed

News you founder merch, NYM bundle & tier skips

Caps and t-shirts emblazoned with the news you branding and the unique ‘founder’ legend. You will also receive 3000 NYN credits to use in the app & 3 tier skips You will also automatically be included in the incentivised beta release program.

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