Multiple charities fundraiser

by Emersyn Jackson in Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Multiple charities fundraiser
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Unfortunately this project was not successful.

Am a little six year old girl who would appreciate your help to raise funds for Austin ni , mental health and the children's heartbeat trust

by Emersyn Jackson in Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Am a little six year old girl who was born in 2017 prematurely weighing 950grams defining all odds I fought brave and hard to be were I am today every year with the help of my family I fundraise for chosen charities this year I have decided to fundraise for Autism ni , children heartbeat trust and mental health , I was born with multiple conditions and disabilities, from down syndrome to four different heart issues , also severely sight impaired with 4/60 vision and congenital death with only 20 percent hearing I've been nearly dead eight times this year from January due to hyperglycemia coma episodes were I go pure unresponsive and my pancreas isn't making enough insulin, I am asking use to kindly help me raise funds for my chosen charities and help other kids or adults just like me 


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