More colour and new equipment for our playground.

by Newall Green Primary School in Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Total raised £60

£20,000 target 58 days left
0% 2 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 9th April 2025 at 4:35pm

Our playground has become a little tired and we are desperate to add some colour and new equipment for our children to enjoy at lunchtimes.

by Newall Green Primary School in Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Why do we want to raise money?

Hello, we are the Newall Green School Council and we would like to raise money for our lovely school.  Our School is a silver Rights Respecting school, hoping to soon be Gold, and we think article 12, respect for children’s views, is really important.  

We listen to the views of others and we want everyone in our school to feel safe and happy.  We are a big school with a separate playground for KS2 but it has become a little tired now.  Our school have bought resources for us to play with at lunchtimes but unfortunately they don't last very long and we need to invest in more sturdy equipment.  

We did a survey to find out how people felt about lunchtimes and some children have told us that they felt unhappy at lunchtimes.  Everyone that we surveyed told us that they would like more equipment to play with and more sheltered and quiet spaces to get away from the noise on the playground.  We are desperate to make our playground a happier place for all of the children where everyone is able to play alongside each other in a bright, joyful space with lots of different equipment for them to use.  

How will this help our school?

We are very proud of our school and love being able to play with our friends at break and lunch.  However, our playground has grown a little tried in places and we need help to improve the area.  With your help, we hope that there will be more opportunities for our children to have fun and play with other children with new equipment that should last the test of time.  We feel that by having a brighter and more child-friendly space, that children will form better friendships and show more respect for others.  If they feel happy at school, then this will improve attendance and the mental health of all of the children. 

What will we spend the money on?

Our survey gave us a really good idea about what the children in our school would like to improve our playground.  We know that we won't be able to do everything but we have made a wish list from the suggestions that got the most votes.  

  • Trim trail - we are lucky to have a small area of grass off the concrete playground and we would love to use this space to build a trim trail with a variety of different activities for the children to play with.  
  •  Markings and painting - the markings on our playground and paint on the sport pitches have faded away over time.  We would love to have these freshened up and add a bit of colour to the space.  
  •  Shelter - we know it is important to get lots of fresh air and space to run around but, when it is a bit cold, wet or too hot, we don't have anywhere to shelter and it would be fantastic to provide some for our children. 
  • Sports equipment - we would like more equipment to be used at lunchtimes so that we can have access to play as many different sports as possible.  
  • Bins - we would like more bins so that we can keep our playground clean, tidy and safe.  

How will we raise money?

We have met together to come up with ideas to raise money for our project and will be beginning the fundraising soon.  We plan to do litter picks in the local area, sponsored sports events in school and we are going to do a sponsored walk to raise as much money as we can.  

We would be extremely grateful for any donation that we receive as every little amount will help us to achieve our goal.  

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