2 CFR Friars and a team of up to 8 volunteers will be going to Rwanda from the 9th-17th December 2024. We are raising some funds for the mission where we will have there visiting a school, homes and hospitals. any funds left over from the mission will be donated for the running of the school.
In the school in which we will be visiting the children are aged 3-6 years and this is the only chance these children have for a meal as the parents cannot afford food very often. I've attached some photos from previous trips and donations.
In this trip we will be helping with the feeding of these children, hospitals and house visits. We bring with us physical donations also in 7-10 suitcases and will be distributing them throughout our visits. The friars will lead teams to pray with people with blessing of the homes and praying with people. they will also be helping administer the anointing of the sick.
The school also gives the children books, equipment and uniform as and when they are able to afford it. We hope in this trip to be able to provide this for them also. The school is run by a religious community and funded largely by donations. The community are called "Servos de Maria do Coracao de Jesus" CSMCJ – Comunidade Servos de Maria do Coração de Jesus (comunidadesmcj.org.br). This project is under a registered Charity project in Rwanda.
I thank you in advance for reading this and if you cannot donate please share :) God bless