Mid Sussex & Crawley Green Party GE Fundraiser

by Mid Sussex & Crawley Green Party in Haywards Heath, , United Kingdom

Mid Sussex & Crawley Green Party GE Fundraiser
We did it
On 20th June 2024 we successfully raised £1,111 with 28 supporters in 28 days

Get the Green Message out in Mid Sussex & Crawley in 2024!

by Mid Sussex & Crawley Green Party in Haywards Heath, , United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Extra money will go towards getting leaflets out to as many people across Mid Sussex & Crawley as possible before the election. 

Deanna lives in Haywards Heath and is a local councillor on Haywards Heath Town Council where she was elected Back in 2023. She is a strong Green Voice on the council for the people of Haywards Heath and she wants to bring that voice to Westminster to stand up and represent the whole of Mid Sussex. 

Iain lives in Crawley and has been a local serving member of the Green Party and an even longer serving member of the Crawley community. Iain was the parliamentary candidate in 2019 for Crawley gaining our best ever result in Crawley and in 2024 we are hoping to grow our result and improve on that result! 

In 2023, Mid Sussex Green Party gained 4 councillors onto Mid Sussex District council to stand up for residents across Mid Sussex. Your votes made sure we have 2 Green Councillors on Haywards Heath Town Council and 3 on Burgess Hill Town Council, holding the councils to account and representing the residents of the towns. 

In 2024, Crawley Green Party fielded 10 excellent candidates across Crawley giving people the chance to vote for a hardworking Green Councillors. We increased our vote share from 8% to 11% showing that more people are switching to the Green Party. In Maidenbower we came a strong 2nd place getting a clear Green message out to voters. 

Please help us by chipping in £20, or whatever you can afford, to get us over the line and make sure we have 2 excellent Green candidates on the ballot paper! 

Your donation gets a Green candidate for parliament able to challenge the old parties. 

By helping Deanna & Iain to stand, your donation enables all the votes they receive to translate into government funding for the Green MPs elected elsewhere.

If Deanna & Iain retain their deposits, those funds come back and can be spent by the Green Party again, so we can continue building strength both locally and nationally. 

Unlike other parties, we aren’t funded by big businesses and vested interests. We are powered by people like you. 

We can’t do this without you. Are you with us?

P.s. Because we’re a political party we’re required to run electoral register checks for making donations above £500, and if you donate over £1,500 during a year, we are required to let the Electoral Commission know, who will make this available on their website. All donations go to general campaigning funds. 

Promoted by David Woolley on behalf of Mid Sussex & Crawley Green Party, at Brambles, Blackthorns Close, RH16 2AU.

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