Mental Health Community Hub

by Mental Health Community Hub in Exeter, England, United Kingdom

Mental Health Community Hub

Total raised £390

raised so far



We aim to reach out further to help those in the mental health system whose services have been reduced or removed due to Coronavirus

by Mental Health Community Hub in Exeter, England, United Kingdom

We are a Mental Health Community Hub based in Exeter serving Exeter and East Devon. We offer a safe, friendly environment for adults suffering from long term and serious mental health conditions to reduce isolation. We offer 1:1 support with benefits, advocacy, emotional support and support in managing a persons mental health. At our hub, users can be supported in gardening, cooking and using a computer amongst other enjoyable activities such as playing games and arts & crafts. We are user led and so all of our services evolve with the individual needs, as well as being part of the continuous development of our Hub, from decision making to taking part in maintenance and redevelopment of the building. This gives all our users a sense of achievement and part of something positive.

Outside of our Hub,  we offer social activities, including a walking group, venturing to different areas of natural beauty around South and East Devon (Dartmoor, National Trusts, Coastlines and Nature Parks). We offer walks suited to all abilities including those with very reduced mobility. We organise transport, pay entry fees and supply refreshments to ensure anyone can take part nomatter what their financial status.

We also organise large group trips monthly. We have recently been to Paignton Zoo and have a day trip via boat to Torquay planned.

We run an Art and Social afternoon once a week and have several smaller trips throughout the month.

We are very aware of the mental health crisis that will be flooding the UK due to the Coronavirus outbreak, and have already seen a rise in new members. We would like ensure we have plenty of funds to cater for this. The funds will be used for Support Staff hours, increasing overheads for our Hub, and activities in the community. We currently run a donation based membership program, although this is not compulsory in order not to discriminate those in poverty, and help us reach those in need who would value our service. We also accept direct payments as part of a care package for those under social care or mental health services.

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