I am helping an incredible man named Mike Hnyda, a proud Welshman with Ukrainian roots, in his mission to deliver as much help as possible to the Ukraine. Mike raises funds in Wales and beyond to buy medical equipment which has mainly been specified by his contacts in Kiev. He then loads the material onto a van and drives to Kiev to deliver them. (See video - put cursor on text to see sub-titles)
I have had the privilege of being his co-driver on one trip - he has done seven so far - and he has asked me to accompany him on the next one. We will be delivering the medical equipment on a 4x4 which we will leave with them. We will then return to the UK by train, taxi and plane.
Usually Mike is helped out by various sponsors for the costs of the trip but on this occasion this isn't possible, so Mike and I are looking to raise £2,500 to pay for petrol, accommodation, food and travel home. Any cash left over will go to a Ukrainian charity of Mike's choosing.
We all look at the TV and see the awful suffering in the Ukraine right now. If you can put a tenner towards our trip you will be contributing towards actually helping out directly, not through an anonymous body. That said, these bodies are helping out enormously in the Ukraine so please also consider contributing to them as well!