Makeup content creator

by Cara arrett in Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, United Kingdom

Total raised £0

£100 target 66 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 25th November 2024 at 5:27am

Hey guys, I’m trying to make my dreams reality and struggling really hard to make make up creating my full-time job to help me make my dream

by Cara arrett in Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, United Kingdom

1725250725_050e8b87-4e7a-40b2-a069-65a1ecb895b3.jpegHi I’m a make up creator. I’m struggling really hard at making my dreams a reality I would like to create makeup content for a full-time job. I’m struggling to stay afloat with my art and was hoping for some support from the loving community every little bit helps to make my dreams reality.

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