Luxury Coat Maker to Japanese Market + Online

by gary in York, , United Kingdom

Luxury Coat Maker to Japanese Market + Online

Total raised £0

£50,000 target 21 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 3rd March 2025 at 11:44am

To further grow my business into becoming to an established British luxury brand.

by gary in York, , United Kingdom

I am formally the head of design for Barbour the British clothing brand. 

Despite their presence in the market, I have always felt that there is a place at the very top of the market for a luxury goods supplier for this type of product. I have pursued this dream now for several years. We believe in the transparency of our sourcing. We make everything ourselves and only source fabric Europe.  Our team of makers all work from home with hours to suit them and they make 1 product from start to finish.

I have managed to get from 0 to £100,000 sales  on my own and for the first time now really need support to grow the business further. 60% of our sales are from our online website and 40% comes from supplying Japanese retailers

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This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£350 or more

Half price product

For the pledged amount, you can choose any of our styles on our website and receive them at half price. This can represent a considerable saving if you were in the market for a jacket anyway!

£50 or more

£50 Reward

15% discount on any of our products (a saving between £50 and. £300)

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