On the 24th of July, 10 people in association with Just Stop Oil were arrested at Heathrow airport for exercising their democratic rights in order to push for much needed further change against the ongoing climate crisis that threatens both democracy and humanity as a whole.
Some of those people who were placed on remand in prison have since been given bail and released. Unfortunately, Luke Elson has been refused bail until his upcoming trial in January where he could be imprisoned for longer, marking nearly 6 months since his initial arrest, despite being a key worker and social worker.
Luke initially hoped that after a month on remand, he would be released and would be able to return to his loved ones and work, but has now spent the majority of his time in remand in a category B prison, in a single cell. For months, he was made to remain in that cell for 23 hours a day.
Thankfully, he more recently has been able to support other prisoners as a mental health worker, but still remains in a cell for over half of the day. Before all of this, Luke spent part of his time as a freelance painter, who had hoped to turn his passion for impressionistic art into a career. This was one of the many dreams he sacrificed when he decided to get involved in direct civil resistance in order to safeguard the future of his two young nieces.
The purpose of this crowdfunder specifically, is to ensure that Luke has money for any unforeseen legal fees, to help support and provide for his friends and family financially whilst he is behind bars, and to ensure he can pay to keep his art work stored safely whilst he remains in prison. If by chance he is released this month, this money will also help him with all his immediate expenses whilst he looks to return to work.
The UK has proudly led the charge in criminalising non-violent political protests and environmental campaigners in order to suppress dissent. In fact, a recent published study found that the United Kingdom has arrested 3 times the global average amount of environmental protestors.
Luke firmly believes that civil disobedience is an essential means of pushing forward a green revolution to combat the multi-crisis that everyone, especially those who are younger, will have to reckon with throughout their lifetime. He has gladly given up his freedom for his family, and will continue to stand up for what he knows is right regardless of whatever happens next.
If you are of similar mind, have the same concerns, or just want to support those who believe that everyone has the right to live a meaningful life, please give what you can.
A massive thank you from Luke to all of you.
All donations will be transferred over to Luke once the crowdfunder has either hit target or ended, assuming he is released. In the event he remains on remand for longer, the money will be held safely for him and used as per his requests.