Looking for work but struggling

by Needed thank you in London, England, United Kingdom

Looking for work but struggling

Total raised £0

£5,000 target 26 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 13th March 2025 at 10:10am

I really need some help to get out of a hole.

by Needed thank you in London, England, United Kingdom


I really need some help to get out of a hole.

I lost my full time job at the end of 2023 and since then things have been very hard.

I have bills that need paying and I'm worried about the future.

I'm barely getting by, trying to stay positive but this is my worst fear realised in life and I need help.

My dream is to open a proper French-inspired bakery where local people can buy something decent, affordable and nourishing.

That's a dream and I don't have the funds to realise it now.

I would love a wonderful business that benefits the community in a less fashionable area and create meaningful jobs for local people.

I am looking for work and I have worked since I lost my profession but I'm desperate and need a break and breakthrough.

I am doing my best but I'm at breaking point.

If you can spare anything to help me to the nest stage I would be so grateful.

Thank you.

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