Lone Star - Short Film

by Saul Peck in Brighton, , United Kingdom

We did it
On 21st February 2024 we successfully raised £2,540 with 53 supporters in 42 days

We are a passionate group of students from The University of Sussex producing our final short film. A comedic western called Lone Star.

by Saul Peck in Brighton, , United Kingdom

We are a passionate group of students from The University of Sussex producing our final short film. Lone Star is an ambitious genre mash up of the Comedy and the Western and we need your help to make this film a reality. 



Playful escapism turns problematic when a man lives out his cowboy fantasies in a small British village. His antics have ramped up. But the only choice this leaves is confrontation....... 


Lone Star follows  Will aka 'Clint', a young man desperately in need of direction. He spends his days living as a cowboy inspired by the likes of his icon Clint Eastwood. One day, Clint angers the wrong man, Falmer's village idiot Dean. Dean only has one goal--to make the lives of Clint and his friend Anna a complete and utter nightmare. Through a series of hilariously comedic and dark misunderstandings. Clint will discover not only what it means to be a true Lone Star, but also what it means to be a man. 

                           How will your donations make a difference:

With your donations and support towards our short film. This will be integral in ensuring that we achieve our vision and make this project as entertaining and enjoyable as we know it can be. The proceeds gained from this campaign will go towards actors and locations, ensuring that we have the resources needed to produce a final product we as a team can all be proud of. This campaign gives you as patrons the chance to be a vital part of the filmmaking process and by supporting a group of young filmmakers. You are helping to encourage the next generation of storytellers.


Cast - Casting is of the upmost importance to us as a group and we are eager to find actors who can embody our vision for these characters. The interplay and chemistry between them are what will inform both the comedic and dramatic meaning of our film. We are committed to having the best possible performances for this very reason. Accordingly, we are seeking out professional actors who can provide us with the perfect fit. 

Transport - We will be filming in vast open fields and narrow village lanes. Not only will we need to transport our cast and crew, but also our heavy and delicate equipment.

Catering - No one can work efficiently on an empty stomach especially on longer shooting days. Help us to provide a hearty lunch with plenty of snacks in between!

Locations – We want the real deal. The only way to authentically portray a British pub is to rent one!

Costumes – Clint has to dress the part! A hat, some boots, and a riding duster coat will transform him from zero to hero (cowboy)!

Props – From the gun in his holster to the rope swinging above his head. It's all about the details which can give every scene something extra special.

Miscellaneous – Just in case Becky messed up the budget. For unforeseen necessities, a sudden change in plan, or reshoots.

 In the event that we surpass our goal (thank you so much!), we will spend it on film festivals. We wish to share this not only with you but with the world! We can't guarantee that you will see it on the big screen, but we'll keep you posted if it does get selected through updates on our Instagram page.

                         Meet the team:


                   Euan Braidwood - Director 



Hi, my name is Euan, and I am beyond excited to introduce myself as the director of Lone Star.


I have been obsessed with filmmaking from a young age with a particular interest in the process of crafting a narrative. Taking a simple idea and creating a story fully visualized for the screen is something I'm incredibly passionate about. Over a long period of time, I have written many screenplays. With each one finished I have learned something new and used that to improve my writing skills. In coming up with the story of ‘Lone Star’. I was drawn to the theme of identity, exploring whether it is our own dreams and personality that shape it or rather the environment we are born into. This I find to be a fascinating contrast, and it serves as the center for our comedic tale of an American cowboy completely out of his element in a British village. He is pursuing an impossible dream no matter the cost.


I was also interested in intertwining imagination with realism. Following characters that are extremely theatrical in a grounded setting in a way that keeps an audience engaged throughout. Fusing these elements together is how I believe my creative style sets me apart. I am always looking to push myself, give everything I can to a project whilst leaving plenty of room for friendly collaboration. I love getting to work within a team and knowing that we each have a chance to elevate the project beyond all expectations.


I have served in a multitude of roles when it comes to productions, always keen to be involved. This enthusiasm comes from my belief that creating a film is one of the most rewarding experiences possible. Taking on the role of director has been such an exciting opportunity where I can guide the story creatively and has been the culmination of all my production experience whilst studying at Sussex.


I hope you will follow along on our journey and I thank you deeply for supporting our project.


Max Kirkillo-Stacewicz - Screenwriter/ Director of Photography 



Hi everyone. My name is Max and I’m the writer and director of photography for Lone Star.

 I’m drawn to the art of filmmaking because of the films I watched growing up from the likes Sergio Leone, John Carpenter, Michael Mann, and many others. These filmmakers demonstrated to me the unlimited potential storytelling cinema has to offer. Telling the story of Clint is important to me because, like me, he is an outsider and Lone Star is ultimately a story about someone trying to find their place in the world around them. This campaign will give us the resources to tell Clint’s story in the best way possible.

Thank you for the support and remember every pound helps.


              Becky Curtis - Producer 



Hey! I'm Becky, the producer of this project. Being the producer gives me the task of organising everything and everyone. I ensure we stay on track of schedule, don't overspend on our budget, and that shoot days go smoothly. I'm in this role because of my organisational, communication, and social skills. I'm always willing to lend a hand in any department. I watch out for the bigger picture but remind my team of the details.

I'm excited to work on Lone Star, an English twist on an American classic. It's got everything: an underdog, a lesson learned, action scenes, and beautiful scenery. As my final short film project, I want this to go off with a Bang!!

Your support will be greatly appreciated and help us to make the best film possible.

          Saul Peck - Co-Producer 


 Hi, my name’s Saul and I’m the co-producer of Lone Star. Similarly to Becky, my role relates to the logistical side of the process. I have been scouting locations which will help in serving our vision and delivering the best look on screen. Alongside this, I am also running this campaign and Instagram page. It is so that you as patrons are able to come along with us on the journey of getting Lone Star to the screen. From a young age, my passion for cinema has been immense. In particular from watching many behind the scenes documentaries as a child. The filmmaking process has always fascinated me and the various elements of that process all coming together in perfect synergy is something I find so rewarding.

I'm thrilled to be working on such an ambitious project. Lone Star is a compelling and unique genre mash up and bringing it to fruition has already been such a rewarding experience. This will serve as a great way to cap off my time in Sussex.

Your support will make all the difference to our final project. We hope you enjoy coming along on this journey in making Lone Star the very best film it can possibly be.

              Milo Amroliwala - Editor 


Hi I’m Milo and I’m the editor of Lone Star.

I'm super excited about this project and it’s a comedy! One of my favourite genres and part of the reason why I got into filmmaking and editing.

But of course, we’re gonna need your help and support to make it happen. So please give what you can and let’s get this project underway!


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

£5 plus

A thank you in the credits acknowledging your part (however small it may seem) in getting this film made.

£10 or more

£10 plus

A thank you in the credits and personalised email.

£25 or more

£25 plus

Alongside a thank you. You will receive a digital poster to print off and enjoy.

£50 or more

£50 plus

All the above with a personalised email from our director Euan Braidwood acknowledging your support.

£100 or more

£100 plus

All of the above with a signed copy of the script and access to exclusive BTS photos.

£150 or more

£150 plus

All of the above with an executive producer credit acknowledging your extra special contribution.

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