Covid-19 is a big lesson for the world but first of all a big lesson for our great NHS.
We are organising this funds to start the biggest production of Personal Protective Equipments especially for the NHS locally made by the local people for the NHS. As many people continue to loose their jobs due to this pandemic, this will also help us create many jobs within our community.
This will be a non-profit project and as such in this project, there will be no surplus to be sold to the rest of the world apart from the NHS and our local communities.
Yes we are learning a lot from this pandemic and we will need to start protecting our elderly, pregnant women, the children, the sick and the entire community by building a robust system of locally made PPE supply for the NHS by the local people.
But the core aim will be to ensure that NHS will never be in this position again while making sure that all investors, expertise, workers and volunteers are paid reasonably to sustain this for the next generations to come.
First of all let us put our NHS first and protect our society. Now that we realise it is not only the military that we need to be prepared for. We can also prepare for invisible enemies like Covid-19 by having the certified mask and certified protective gears for the NHS build locally in the UK.
We also need to ensure this is in place to boost the morale of our older and junior doctors and also the younger generation interested in health care for the foreseeable future
Without this in place, I am afraid China will indirectly hijack the world. Having enough military equipments and Jet fighters are less important at this critical moment than equipping our lifeline which is the NHS.
Over production will be a good thing for the community and will be sold at a discount rate throughout the local pharmacies but not for export by equipping NHS first
The Covid-19 pandemic had affected millions of people already and this is our chance to help our community. No matter how many PPE we import, it will never satisfy the demands unless we start producing it ourselves locally.
These are unprecedented times but together, we are stronger, and our continuous quick response within the communities will save many lives.
Volunteer groups are springing up to tackle the logistical problems faced in our communities – but NHS need an ongoing support. That's where we come in.