Lisa Lashes School of Music - Online Education

by LLSOM - Online Education in Northampton, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £280

raised so far



We provide care and education to vulnerable children. We request funding to enable us to extend our reach and provide our services.

by LLSOM - Online Education in Northampton, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 22nd May 2020 we'd raised £280 with 10 supporters in 42 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

The school nobody wants to leave!

Lisa Lashes School of Music is an education provider that focusses on delivering engaging and exciting Music lessons to vulnerable children and young people.  We work with Local Authorities and branches of the Police to provide a creative and unique experience for our students, who may have faced challenges in their life, and give them an opportunity to shine.

We have built a bespoke and engaging curriculum which includes Functional Skills up to Level 2 and is all built around our foundation of interactive music and performance training. It allows students to find the skills and confidence they need to progress into careers within the events and night-time industries once completed.

Why are we raising money?

We are currently based in Northamptonshire and following the huge success we have found in the area, we are hoping to branch out across the nation to spread our creative vibes and help to support so many other young people that would benefit from this amazing opportunity.

All money raised will aid us in providing a transformative e-learning platform, enabling us to not only continue to support our current students but also to extend our reach to children and young people across the nation, who are so desperately in need of focussed engagement and guidance through these turbulent and unprecedented times of school closures and lockdown.

Our hope is to raise £70,000 to allow us to take this remarkable opportunity nationwide.  

Our programme has a phenominal reintegration success rate, allowing us to be confident that we can make a positive impact on 1000's of lives once we are nationally accessible.

Our services give vulnerable children who are close to being ostracised by society access to education and mentoring support from some of the most renowned and experienced music industry professionals who are on hand to educate and steer our young people to make positive choices.

Please show your support to these amazing young and creative minds by giving anything you can, we have a great package of rewards available for pledging as little as £10.

Your gift will make such a huge impact and we can’t thank you enough for taking the time to read this and donating.

Thank you.

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£10 or more

£10 Reward

1 months access to the LLSOM subscription area Includes tutorials from our experienced tutors and masterclasses music production – Ableton + Logic 10 – DJ tutorials (usual rrp £30)

£30 or more

£30 Reward

3 months access to the LLSOM subscription area Includes tutorials from our experienced tutors and masterclasses music production – Ableton + Logic 10 – DJ tutorials

£60 or more

£60 Reward

6 months access to the LLSOM subscriptions area Includes tutorials from our experienced tutors and masterclasses music production – Ableton + Logic 10 – DJ tutorials

£90 or more

£90 Reward

9 months access to the LLSOM subscriptions area Includes tutorials from our experienced tutors and masterclasses Music production – Ableton + Logic 10 – DJ tutorials

£150 or more

£150 Reward

12 months access to the LLSOM subscriptions area Includes tutorials from our experienced tutors and masterclasses Music production – Ableton + Logic 10 – DJ tutorials

£250 or more

£250 Reward

1 x studio day with industry professionals 12 months access to the LLSOM subscriptions area Includes tutorials from our experienced tutors and masterclasses Music production – Ableton + Logic 10 – DJ tutorials

£500 or more

£500 Reward

2 x studio day with industry professionals 12 months access to the LLSOM subscriptions area Includes tutorials from our experienced tutors and masterclasses Music production – Ableton + Logic 10 – DJ tutorials

£1,000 or more

£1000 Reward

£1000 – 25 people = £25k A day at the school Meet and greet the tutors Learn how to DJ Learn how to create a track in music production Fun day out with the team

Show your support

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