Let It Out Wellbeing Community Interest Company

by Let It Out Wellbeing C.IC in Winchester, England, United Kingdom

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We seek funding to support the expansion of our Wellbeing" program. This program provides free free mental health & wellbeing courses.

by Let It Out Wellbeing C.IC in Winchester, England, United Kingdom

Hi, my name is Niamh Penman, I am a professional counsellor, mental health practitioner   in Winchester, and I have recently launched a new service, non-profit community interest company call Let It Out Wellbeing C.I.C with a small team of professionals to improve the mental health and wellbeing of those struggling in our community. I have over twenty years’ experience in the caring field in a wide variety of different organisations, both professional and voluntary. I have gained experience working with a broad and diverse range of individuals. Working with older adults, children, and vulnerable people with emotional and mental health issues, I have gained great insight into the causes, coping strategies and pathways to solutions that lead to improved wellbeing. 

What we do?

We run day workshops and 8-week professional wellbeing courses. These courses are designed to support women and men with mental health problems. They take the form of weekly 2hr workshops which are intimate safe support spaces where those in need can experience group talking therapy. These workshops aim to help people improve self-confidence, address issues of low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and undergo personal growth.

What is the purpose of what I do?

I believe a vast majority of people suffering with mental health problems have low self-confidence, poor self-esteem and struggle to find personal growth. Myself, and my professional colleagues, aim to help them find their voice, share their concerns in a non-judgmental space and develop new ways to cope. With our support and guidance, we believe that they can become more confident, learn to practice self-love, self-care and believe in themselves again. 

Why our Community Interest Company?

I also recognised the impact the pandemic has had on the provision of support services. It is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive to gain access to professional support. There are fewer resources, with greater waiting times for treatment. To deliver more services, many are still providing treatment remotely online instead of face to face. Mental Health issues are a growing public concern with numbers increasingly significantly in the U.K.

What are we looking for?

There are not enough low-cost professional counselling services now. I have felt compelled to try and help, to make a personal contribution and make our professional skills available free of charge in many individuals in communities around Hampshire. We have been running our services for free over a year now but face the difficulty in sustaining theses costs independently. The cost of Hiring venues, course materials, equipment especially with such a high demand for our services. We would like to know if we would be entitled to any grants or funding to help with costs.

Thank You 

Niamh Penman

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