For the month of Feb, we are running, swimming, cycling the distance it would take to travel from Lands End to John 'O Groats to raise money
by Legacy A Cappella in Plymouth, England, United Kingdom
We're a youth a cappella group from Plymouth UK, an extension group of the Legacy Choir. For many of us, we've been singing in choirs and groups together for over five years, and for some of us we've even been singing together since primary school!
As many of the older members of our group are beginning to spread their wings, leaving the group to go to do fabulous things at university, we want to record and release some of our favourite arrangements to commemorate our time together as a group, and celebrate all we've managed to achieve together.
We've travelled a lot together as a group, so figured for one last time, why not try to collectively travel the distance equivalent to the length of the UK (Lands End to John O Groats), 837 miles, during the month of February to help us raise money to hopefully achieve creating an EP.
If you’d like to find out more about us, find us on:
Instagram: @legsacappellarplymouth
TikTok :@legsacapellaplym
YouTube: @legacyacappellaplymouth
Facebook: @plymouthlegacychoir