LilyAnne’s Wellbeing is a registered charity supporting loneliness, Mental Health & Homelessness.
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Total raised so far £2,377
+ est. £347.00
1When it comes to mental health we believe everyone deserves the support when they need it not months later when it doesn't matter any more.
Often people don't know where to turn or what todo when their mental health becomes out of control and it quickly gets out of hand.
The reality of experiencing mental health is months of waiting lists and often getting the right support when it's too late.
We are in one of the highest areas of suicide within the UK, and run a Suicide prevention project to direct people to the support they need right here and right now.
We go out on an evening and walk the beaches and night life to support those who may be out experiencing a mental health crisis that have been unable to access support and feel let down by the system.
We know the system isn't working so we are here in Hartlepool supporting those within the North East.
In an area where suicide is at it's highest levels, when we asked people why they struggled to access support, it came down to them feeling like no one would care about them, they feared they'd be turned away.
We provide a space where people who are experiencing bad thoughts can come, and can access support from a team of trained counsellors, we are training even more and link people into the right support locally.
We are here when people are feeling like they want to end everything, we will support them through the process of accessing support from the NHS and other services.
But often they no longer need that support once they have a space where they don't feel judged and feel like they belong.
We are fundraising to be able to continue the free support we offer to those experiencing mental health and within a mental health crisis.
We spend a lot of time working with people to rebuild their confidence and slowly and gently work on improving there feelings of mental health.