Land and Food Pembrokeshire

by vicky moller in Haverfordwest, Wales, United Kingdom

Land and Food Pembrokeshire
We did it
On 2nd June 2024 we successfully raised £5,530 with 15 supporters in 0 days

To support, celebrate and expand community growing and good local food in Pembrokeshire, reaching zero emissions.

by vicky moller in Haverfordwest, Wales, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

There are many community growing and gardening sites trying to start up. With extra funds we could offer each of them up to £2,000, and some could be outside of Pembrokeshire, in the neighbouring areas within Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion.  We would love to encourage more shared deliveries and transport for small local producers, providing what they need, be it logistics or an affordable electric vehicle and the generating equipment to fuel it. 

So much is possible, we are doing much of this already but to make it meaningful we need it to happen everywhere!

We need to shift our food system to one that works for people and nature. This is possible  cam gan cam - in steps.

So some of this is about communities growing for themselves, some about connecting growers and farmers with their eaters. The money will add the magic ingredient that is missing. So it might be an electric van for deliveries, to be shared between nearby businesses, or about paying a coordinator to put on events and training or for a group of growers to have shelter or know how to build one. The magic of this fund is that it can go quickly to the front line to help where needed.1713687398_whatsapp_image_2024-02-16_at_15.19.06_20dac89b.jpg


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£100 or more

0 of 50 claimed

Box of organic veg and refreshments at an open day

Box of organic veg. To be delivered to a convenient location in the county. Choose your week. Plus token for food and a drink at one of the community garden open days which will happen through the county during the summer and early autumn

£20 or more

0 of 100 claimed

Refreshments token or seeds or plant

At our open days pick up a free cuppa and cake or seeds or a plant to grow yourself. There will be open days through the summer in different towns or areas

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