Keeping Hadston House's Sun shining Bright

by Feeding children who need it during School Holidays in Morpeth, Northumberland, United Kingdom

Keeping Hadston House's Sun shining Bright
We did it
On 29th August 2022 we successfully raised £3,537 ( + est. £13.75 Gift Aid ) with 10 supporters in 56 days

We are working hard to keep everything going and give access to all our services to the people who need them.

by Feeding children who need it during School Holidays in Morpeth, Northumberland, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

If we break the target it will help us put money into the central pot to keep our center going, pay its bills and keep it open for all who need to use it. We need to fundraise £230000 each and every year just to be here for the people who need us.

Over the last few years, it's been hard for us like everyone else during covid. One important thing is we didn't close our doors, we in fact repurposed all the staff to support the vulnerable in our community delivering over 20,000 meals on wheels, essential shopping, prescriptions, gas, and electric top-ups, and anything else people needed.


Since then we have been getting back on our feet, as a charitable organisation we have been hit with Covid expenditure we didn't expect, multi-year funders who were share-based being unable to potentially fulfill the commitments and issues with some of our vehicles that were worked so hard during the pandemic to keep everyone fed and supported.


We are now back to full steam ahead, youth services seeing over 400 young people a month holding subsidised activities during school holidays and much more including trained staff in contraception and other local benefits for them and their families.  Older and disabled people receive over 750 hot meals a month if not more, delivered every day to users of the service who are isolated in their homes. In recent months 156 older people male and female are registered on our older peoples trips and activities where they meet new friends, enjoy time together out of the house and accessing all our facilities, visiting new places and enjoying life.


Our Community Cafe offers a space to socialise and get low-cost food with friends and loved ones in our community and provides local job opportunities. It works hard making all the wonderful food we send out home-cooked every day to people who often only see us or our volunteers. 


We provide volunteering opportunities for people in our community to gain experience, feel valued and work as part of our team.

We run courses to help unemployed people get health and safety, or CSCS cards, employability training, interview support and other support to help everyone get on in the world. 


The main office has experienced trained staff that help 20+ local people a day with issues surrounding them, getting them help or signposting them to other organisations or arranging visits for them. We also have a range of partners that work with us daily to support people and work out of our hub.


All of these services are so important to our community which is why our Community Hub is so important. So if you can spare a few quid to help us with increasing costs and running our services we would be very grateful.

Got an idea like this?

Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.