We're still collecting donations
On the 7th October 2020 we'd raised £1,020 with 39 supporters in 55 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
+ est. £188.75
Tikondane in Zambia is a grassroots community badly impacted by Covid-19, we aim to keep their life changing projects going.
by Philip Betts in Zambia
On the 7th October 2020 we'd raised £1,020 with 39 supporters in 55 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
Everything will go to keep Tikondane running and supporting grassroots initiatives. These include children malnutrition, links with the local hospital, educating the local community and championing the 19 steps out of poverty plan.
Tikondane Centre is the heart of the community in Katete, trying to lift people out of poverty with education and empowerment while honouring and continuing traditional beliefs and customs.
They are a grassroots community who depend on volunteers and tourism (the hiring out of their lodge and tours) to support and fund their projects. As well as offering training and employment to the most vulnerable in society (single mothers and those with disabilities). Their long term vision was to become self sufficient.
They are a grassroots community who depend on volunteers and tourism (the hiring out of their lodge and tours) to support and fund their projects. As well as offering training and employment to the most vulnerable in society (single mothers and those with disabilities). Their long term vision was to become self sufficient.
When myself and family visited in 2019, despite having a major drought, limited IT capacity (i.e no broadband and limited computer access) and regular power-cuts, they had a number of local initiatives established. The Tiko team:
* teach a 19-step out of poverty plan (lifting subsistence farmers out of poverty so they are not reliant on one crop),
*provide Nutritional Education,
*research and produce a supplement that aims to alleviate malnutrition in young children,
*encourage Entrepreneurship through training and support,
*introduce a variety of crops and animal husbandry to ensure balanced, nutritional diet.
However, due to the international pandemic Covid-19, lack of funding, volunteers and tourists means this lifeline is drying up.
We have kept in touch with the inspirational leader, Elke Kroeger-Radcliffe, a retired nurse who worked in the nearby hospital in Katete. Funds are running short into what is already a poverty stricken area.
Things here in the UK may be tough, at Tikondane and in Katete, there is a crisis on the horizon, pleased help us to support them.
Thanks for listening
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