Help get justice for Ruth who was detained in an nhs room for three days to be sectioned.
After that I was attacked and tortured in that room by four security guards who are employed by serco. My wrist was bent back in a painful position, I had two lady securities on my shoulders and arms whilst another one who was very overweight laid on my legs. Before this I was compliant with what they were asking me to do which was to put on a hospital gown and lay down on the mattress and put my favourite track on YouTube on my phone! I found this to be odd?!? They then tortured me for a good 10 minutes until I couldn’t even make a sound anymore. I yelled, cried out for help, my yells turned into moans and they would moan each time I made a moan but their moans were sexual and aimed at my breasts which were the only part of my body not restrained. in another attack after that they assaulted me and my breast implants had to be removed because of the action of a blow to my breast implant it had dislodged and was flipping and also had internal damage.
I have ptsd (undiagnosed)
Concerns of my safety in hospital or in public
Flashbacks of the pain I went through.
I found out they injected my legs with a substance which I still do not know what it was. They never asked my permission for this. This event happened after I was tortured on the matress on the ground.
I thank you for taking in my evidence I have plenty more evidence with photos of all the bruising caused over my body.
I have contacted Serco involving this as well as the nhs complaints system.
So far there has been no justice. This cannot happen to another person there needs to be action taken.
I therefore require the amount of £9,000 to get my body back to its orgiginal condition. I need new breast augmentation surgery for this goal.