Although I have looked after Jim as if he was my own for over a year now, he was until recently not my dog and was instead meant to be the dog of someone I lived with. When I returned home after being away for 2 weeks, Jim was left outside with all of my belongings along with my own dog Norman. I since have taken Jim in with me but unfortunately this is only temporary as my living situation doesn't allow for two dogs and sadly I never intended to be sole caregiver to two dogs as i just don't have the capacity. When I took Jim in i noticed an injury on his paw, which turned out to be a tear in the webbed skin in-between his toes, which resulted in him having to undergo surgery. Due to the complicated location of the injury, constant need for re-bandaging, costs of taxis to and from the vet, and cost of medication/aftercare there has been a substantial bill that I have had to foot. I am not asking for the whole cost, only part of it.
Usually i would not ask for help but the person who abandoned Jim did so while running off with a sum of money that is rightfully mine and as much as it breaks my heart to say it, Jim isn't supposed to be my dog or my responsibility. Any help is appreciated and in time i know little Jimmy will settle in a forever home where he won't be discarded for no reason at all.