Jewish Action for Mental Health (JAMH) provides free counselling and therapy for the Jewish population of Greater Manchester. We also support people through group work such as art, cookery, yoga and music. JAMH runs mental health educational and awareness events, covering topics such as the need to have qualified mental health professionals. We also run a trainee therapist placement scheme to deliver therapy and provide placements for students.
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Total raised so far £5,254
+ est. £571.25
1JAMH has provided free counselling and therapy to over 300 people since March 2020 and we have also supported over 500 people through group work such as art, cookery, yoga and music.
We established a helpline and triage process to direct people to the best support for them. We have recruited 36 professionally accredited counsellors and therapists.
People have said that the impact that JAMH is having on their mental health is life-changing. That we have provided an umbrella of support to entire families.
We measure our success of our project by asking for feedback from our service users and participants. Over 82% of people using JAMH services have said their mental health has improved.
Here is some feedback from clients.
'Covid brought chaos, but JAMH restored calm and clear thinking to my life'
'I cannot fault the wonderful, caring service that I received'
'The counselling you arranged for my child has really led to a calmer home'