Peoples independent Candidate Mid Cheshire

by Helen Clawson Mid Cheshire Independent PCC in Middlewich, Cheshire East, United Kingdom

Peoples independent Candidate Mid Cheshire

Total raised £85

raised so far



To raise funds for the to stand as an independent candidate in the upcoming July 4th General Election as an independent candidate.

by Helen Clawson Mid Cheshire Independent PCC in Middlewich, Cheshire East, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,

My name is Helen Clawson and I will be standing as an Independent Candidate for our newly formed seat of Mid Cheshire to be your representative as MP 🗳️  in the 4th July General Election. 

My family and I ( I have 3 young children ) have lived in Mid Cheshire for 17 years, I spent 14 years in the police force and unfortunately I sustained a lifelong injuries. I challenged the police force on corruption and abusive practices and subsequently took one of the largest police forces in the UK to an employment tribunal, so I have no issue in challenging things in a dog eat dog world of politics.

When I retired from the police, I went back to university and gained a BS Hons degree in abuse studies, which includes politics, psychology, abuse of power to name a few and later graduated with an MSc in Criminology.

I have worked with politicians when supporting victims of police abuse and miscarriages of justice. So have been in the dog eat dog world a long time. I have founded and run an award winning business Adaptive Clothing UK. I'm also a domestic abuse psychoeducation facilitator with a great charity and volunteer with the buddying service. 

Growing up in poverty, from a real working class background, and sadly being in circumstances that required using a food bank when I first left the police, I understand firsthand how the cost of living crisis has had and continues to have of too many of us. 

I see so much injustice from political parties, with MP's more focused being career politicians, on toeing the party line and what's best for the party instead of the people they represent.  I say no more, people first. 

As you can see, I'm not a career politician, I am genuinely pained by the state of politics and the negative impact that is having on people like us. So enough is enough, we need real representation. 

We need MP's who will unite their constituents, and be the voice for their constituents, not follow party agendas instead. We need MP's who represent their community, real working class people. That Labour no longer represents. 

We need a #NewDemocracy and independent democracy where people come first. 

As an independent MP, I will be the voice for the people of our neglected towns within the new Mid Cheshire boundary. This seat now brings together our historical Salt Towns of Northwich, Middlewich and Winsford. 

My priorities are you the people of our towns, after speaking with so many of you and highlighting your priorities my first actions would be to deal with the pothole crisis, sort our roads and footpaths, improve our public transport links, fight for much needed infrastructure so we can stop the 8am rush in calling the Dr's surgery, so we can see an NHS dentist in our own town. More for our youth, better police service locally. 

I will have bi weekly surgeries within our towns, engaging with you,  regularly meeting you in person, making sure your voice is heard. Something I loved doing as a former police officer. 

I will donate some of the MP salary to worthy causes within our constituency. 

I was an independent local councillor in Middlewich and resigned due to the abhorrent behaviour of other Councillors not putting the town and people first. 

I want to make changes for the people of our towns, all 3 have been neglected by the current MP in their constituency. 

As you can see from my background, I genuinely care about people and making their lives better. I am a socialist and Justice campaigner. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I will be out campaigning so please feel free to approach me, even just to say hello and put a face to the name.  

As an independent I'm self funding this campaign, it shows the dedication I have to this role and working for our residents. How many party candidates would self fund their own campaign? 

It's time to unite the salt towns, put people before politics and party agendas.

#helenclawson #votehelenclawsonindependent #helenclawsonformidcheshire #labourlie #saynotopartypolitics #GeneralElection2024 

#unitethesalttowns #MidCheshire

#GeneralElection #GeneralElection2024 

Promoted by Helen Clawson of St Ann's Road, Middlewich, Cheshire

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