In Memory of Daniel

by Sarah Ann Currie in Thornhill, Scotland, United Kingdom

In Memory of Daniel
We did it
On 16th June 2024 we successfully raised £595 with 21 supporters in 28 days

To raise money to buy a bench and plaque and slabs to install a bench in memory of Daniel Jaupi x

by Sarah Ann Currie in Thornhill, Scotland, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Daniel and his family have been a much loved part of this community for many year and a lot have known Daniel since he was very little, we have seen him overcome challenges and grow in to an amazing young man, but sadly because of his illness he passed away a few days ago and a few member of tge community have asked me what we could do in memory of Daniel and I thought this would be the perfect way for people to have somewhere to go to remember him in one of his happy places.

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