The BIG Sing SOUL, which stands for ‘Singing, Outreach, Unity and Love’, is an extension of The BIG Sing vision and enables us to generate funding for vulnerable groups with financial freedom. We want to capture what’s been created by The BIG Sing and take it to those who can’t get to a community choir, giving everyone an opportunity to learn and sing motivating songs together. Uniting communities, reducing isolation, forming friendships and benefitting from the therapeutic qualities singing brings.

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0Can you help us raise £30,000?
The BIG Sing SOUL are raising money to continue to run the following FREE projects within communities in Essex, Kent, The Midlands & London:
- 8 TINY sings, for 0-4 year olds and their carers
- 2 daytime SOUL choirs for people who cannot get to an evening BIG Sing choir
- Online resources for schools and care homes (Our online schools resources are used by nearly 1000 schools in over 22 countries worldwide).
In addition to this, with your help, we aim to set up the following further FREE projects:
- 6 more TINY Sings
- 4 more daytime SOUL choirs
- A new group for people with profound disabilities
- and to add to our online resource libraries for schools and care homes.
We have given ourselves a target of £30,000 to raise in one year so that we can achieve all of the above, reaching over 400 more people in face to face projects and 1000's more online. Uniting communities, reducing isolation, forming friendships, helping people to sing and benefit from the therapeutic qualities singing brings.
Thank you for visiting our fundraising page, please donate if you can to help us reach our target. You will be helping us to provide FREE music resources to many more people.