I'm trying to do something good

by Murray John Anderson in Motherwell, Scotland, United Kingdom

I'm trying to do something good
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

I am trying to make life fun for my best mate/surrogate son and his two friends who have lost either one or both of their parents

by Murray John Anderson in Motherwell, Scotland, United Kingdom

I started mixing records when I was 13 years old but I fell away from music and into addiction which led to me losing the fingers on my left hand through injecting.  I regret my behavior and how I affected my family and friends who disowned me. I was on a methadone prescription and taking street valium for around 12 years but I was never a typical addict I've always believed I would get a chance to do something with my skill.  When I found out in February I'm going to have my first child in August I came off of methadone and valium cold turkey and I have started focusing on music again.  

My best friend is now my surrogate son he lost both his parents to drug and alcohol abuse in the last few years, his two best friends have both lost their mum in the last 6 months.  I have been given the privilege of acting as a father figure to them as I am 40 years old and they are teenagers.  My son is a very talented rapper and while I wait on the outcome of social work assessing my ability to actually be a father when my daughter is born in August I have put everything I have into getting equipment for making, mixing and playing music so that my son can have a chance to start recording his work and have the chance to start performing live.  His two friends are very musically minded and we are starting to create a good vibe with our sounds.  We live in a bad part of North Lanarkshire and have seen and been involved in a lot of bad things and this is our hope of a better life.  I would be eternally grateful for any help to allow me to get things set up properly and give good young people from a bad place a chance to have fun and do what they love

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