I am me, but only when I dance.

by Rachel Bickley in Basingstoke, England, United Kingdom

I am me, but only when I dance.

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£6,000 target 8 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 19th September 2024 at 4:33pm

Please help me to make a difference. I need to fill the shortfall in dance tuition fees and change Poppy’s life forever.

by Rachel Bickley in Basingstoke, England, United Kingdom

I’m desperately trying to raise funds for my daughter Poppy who has, most wonderfully, been accepted at ‘London Studio Centre’, a conservatoire for professional training in dance. This institution is world renowned and we are blown away by her achievement.
Against all odds and without the usual training opportunities, Pop has managed to realise her dream. Her love of dance began during ‘after school’ ballet classes as a young child but her struggle with anxiety often resulted in a lack of self confidence and negativity. Despite this, Pop kept trying and grasped any opportunity with both hands. At school, as a teenager, Poppy found friendships with others particularly challenging. Having the confidence to chat with others when you see yourself in such a negative light is phenomenally difficult. Even answering teachers questions or speaking out loud in class was impossible. Nevertheless, with the support of some incredible teachers, she got through and continued to dance ‘after school’ for fun. Despite some early ballet training, Poppy is self taught. She choreographed her own street/hip-hop audition piece at London Studio Centre and drew on all her strength to overcome her fears of performing. I’m incredibly proud of her enormous achievement and grateful that her talent was recognised despite all the nerves. I have no idea why she wants to stand on a stage in front of others and perform.
Unfortunately, however, there is a large shortfall in the funding of LSC fees. The student loan is £9250 and we need to pay £16317 for the first year. We will all have to tighten our belts going forward to find money for Years 2 and 3 of her degree but have found ourselves desperately reliant on the generosity of others to fund Year 1.
Please can you help us with a donation? Any amount of kindness will make a change. Every penny will count. Please play a part in Poppy’s success story and invest in her future.
Thank you for taking the time to consider supporting Poppy.

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