I have thought of an Idea for a fresh musical instrument for sometime now. I didn't have a name for the instrument. However I left it for some time, and it dawned on me a few months ago, after making a more detailed sketch, and gaining a better picture of how it should work, and how to write about it. I realised that I have created something that can make a mark within the area of music, and the wind instrument family.
Since growing my musical experiences from a drummer to a soloist in the 70s and acquiring a significant mark with my entry in 1976 having a popular recording to which I became the main lead vocalist. I became Innovative, hence this Unique Idea has created passion in me almost like a newness. I am confident with being the Innovator of SAXA-VOCA as it is registered, a cousin to the Saxaphone family with a great difference that will no doubt take a lead, and become favourite with many Individuals Hobbyists, enthusiasts, children, musicians, and singers in different parts. I will amprepared now to see this Gem come to fruition, and see how it wil sit with individuals from all walks of life.