School Laptops - Higham on the Hill

by HighamAdminOffice in Nuneaton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

School Laptops - Higham on the Hill

Total raised £50

£3,000 target 60 days left
1% 2 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 9th April 2025 at 2:00pm

The aim of this project is to raise funds to purchase a laptop for each Year 4 student to use until they leave us in Year 6.

by HighamAdminOffice in Nuneaton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Higham on the Hill is a small, rural, village primary school in the heart of England. We create a very warm and happy environment for everyone who learns, works and plays here. We have three classes and the class teachers are supported by learning support assistants. 

Our facilities are wide ranging. Every term we run a variety of clubs after school hours such as Forest School, FunStar and Multi-Sport Club. 

We are blessed with extensive school grounds, including a large playground, ActivAll boards, a trim trail, and large playing field. These grounds are used regularly as the school has an outdoor learning focus.

Our curriculum is exciting and engaging, with topics being enhanced by external trips and visitors to school.

From Year 5, children learn to play a musical instrument, receiving tuition from a specialist teacher who visits from Leicestershire Music once a week.

A modern foreign language is taught to children in Key Stage 2.

Children in Years 5 and 6 swim at a local Leisure Centre.

 As a Church of England primary school, we have extensive links with St. Peter's Church, visiting often and welcoming clergy into school. At St. Peters, we hold Harvest, Christingle, Easter and Year 6 Leavers services over the year.

We are hoping to use crowdfunding to raise funds to pay for a laptop for every Year 4 child to use in school until they leave us in Year 6.

The laptops will help enhance the curriculum offered and support learning and development:

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