by Mini Charity in Bramhall, England, United Kingdom


Total raised £510

raised so far



After being affected by both of the illnesses we are raising money for we wanted to do something to help support others and raise awareness

by Mini Charity in Bramhall, England, United Kingdom

During our original crowdfunding campaign, on 12th March 2019 we successfully raised £510 with 3 supporters in 28 days. We are now continuing to accept donations to make this project happen. Find out more about our original plans below.


The story behind HMMMM...

HMMMM consists of two halves, Mark and Charlotte, both of us have our own reasons for the charities which we have chosen to support which we will both tell you about shortly, but first how we plan to raise money. 

Mark came home one evening after speaking to our boss at work who had told him about a friend of his who used to take part in motoscape to raise money for cancer. Sadly he has now passed away. After walking cooper (the dog) on our usual evening walk we stopped in the bubble room for a drink and were contemplating how we could possibly use motoscape to raise a serious amount of money for HMMMM's charities. What is motoscape?? it is a rally in which you drive around 13 countries in a week in a car for under £500. 

We decided that if we managed to do 14 countries and back this would be an even bigger challenge but we knew it had the opportunity to raise a life changing amount, so on the 6th September 2019 we will be setting off on our adventure.

Sitting down to decide how we could manage this all for charity has taken a few weeks of throwing ideas together but finally HMMMM was born on the 9/2/19, we managed to secure a car for £1, Got the deposit fee of £200 donated by Howdens Joinery, and we booked our place on the rally and started planning our fundraising. We need to not only raise money for the charities, but raise money to get the car up and running, fuel and other expenses to be able to complete the adventure. 


Firstly finding a car to complete the mission is a challenge in itself, after many car searches for something half decent, a work colleague and family, offered to sell us a Mini Cooper S for £1, meaning Mini Charity was born. All we need now is to get the Mini up and running due to its engine being flooded with oil it no longer starts, that being said we are on with step one of the adventure, getting the mini back up and running...

Our Stories behind the charities

Mark's story... 

I am lucky enough to be the father to two beautiful daughters. My youngest has suffered from mental health issues for a few years, however last year it became the lowest point which she had found herself in. Through self harm she nearly took her own life, thankfully she was unsuccessful. I spent time seeking help for her, taking her to different appointments, various places and seeing different people to make sure she had the best possible care through all aspects of her life, whether it be at college, dance or home. This is where I found Macclesfield Just Drop In, here my daughter gets free counselling and is a place where she feels safe and is benefiting from their help.

I still feel helpless helping her, I cant wave a magic wand or give her a spoonful of medicine to make her better. So I decided I wanted to do something to help others who may not be as fortunate as my daughter, so that I feel like I am doing something to help. Macclesfield JDI has been a great help to my daughter so this became one of the M's in HMMMM, however I also realise that this is only going to help locally. With that being said we then decided that Mind was to become another of our M's.

Charlotte's Story...

As well as Marks daughters issues, I myself have suffered from mental health issues for a number of years, which puts both the two M's we have mentioned, as obvious choices for us to raise money for. Two years ago however I found myself with life changing news, my mum was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer which was incurable. This opened up a whole new world to us as a family with lots of questions and not knowing a lot about the matter, Macmillan were there to answer any questions. As an issue very close to my heart we decided that one of our other M's would be Macmillan, however this is a national charity we decided we needed a local one as well. At a work meeting the other week we were introduced to Jessica, a lady who works for a charity called Maggie's, she had come from the centre in Manchester and after speaking to us about what the centre offers, to not just people suffering with the illness but the families who are affected as well we decided that we wanted Maggie's to be our other local M.

We therefor have all of the M's in HMMMM, and are supporting two local and two national charities, who support people with two issues. Mental Health and cancer, these two illnesses affect 1 in 2 of us which means the list of people who need help and support is huge.

Please help us to raise as much money and awareness as possible for these great charities and to carry on our story for HMMMM 


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