Hindley Coronavirus Help

by Chloe - CJ'S HOME CLEAN in Hindley Green, England, United Kingdom

Hindley Coronavirus Help

Total raised £15

raised so far



The Government has said that, in the coming weeks, people over the age of 70 will be asked to stay at home to limit their risk of contractin...

by Chloe - CJ'S HOME CLEAN in Hindley Green, England, United Kingdom

The Government has said that, in the coming weeks, people over the age of 70 will be asked to stay at home to limit their risk of contracting Coronavirus.

The length of time they may have to stay in their homes could be up to four months.

Some elderly and vulnerable people in Hindley and Hindley Green may not be able to rely on family, friends or neighbours to help in this situation, by doing shopping, delivering medicine or supporting them.

Other elder or vulnerable people in quarantine may have short-term problems due to helpers being ill themselves or having to self-isolate.

We are creating a network of support for all these vulnerable elderly people and others at risk in our community.

We will buy essential items that they may need if stocks run short in shops and they are unable to find them elsewhere. We will create packs that we can deliver directly within our community from helpers from the community who have offered to help and support. 

Please give a little money to help keep our elderly and vulnerable safe. It is not designed to replace help that family, friends, and neighbours can give, but to ensure isolated elder and vulnerable people are not forgotten and stress, anxiety and mental health is helped to be reduced or taken away. We can also alert the authorities to people in need of specialised help.

We are in this together – thank you!


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